Lightning Experience - Branding your Salesforce login page

This is my first blog post ever! How exciting!

You are probably wondering...Why? Why now?

Thanks to the Salesforce Lightning Champions program! I am one of the folks selected for the Lightning Champions 2019 Cohort. What that means? Be a Lightning trailblazer and basically do what the #Salesforce Ohana does...give back, help another and support anyone wanting to move to the Lightning UI.

Thinking about what would be my first post on  Salesforce Lightning Experience, I thought why not the login page itself. What else can be a better place to get started?

Yes. Every time you login into Salesforce, have you wondered how nice it would be to customize the Login page? This post will show you how to do that.

In order to customize the login page, your org needs to have My Domain enabled.

From Setup, access MyDomain

You should be able to edit the Authentication Configuration Settings to change the logo, background color and replace the promotional salesforce content displayed on the login page.

Logo File requirements: .jpg, .gif, .png upto 100KB Max image size 225px by 125px

Image requirements: The image needs to be at a URL that uses SSL encryption and have the https:// prefix

This is as colorful as it can get. And by the way, that's my Salesforce Ohana! This is my developer edition login page. Now, you can get started on yours too!


Author: Gayathri Indiran, A Salesforce Solution Designer at ImagineCRM with a focus on Data Migration, Automation, and Lightning


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